Rick Mason - Treasurer

Rick is a board member and serves as our treasurer for Shepherd Them All. Rick retired recently after a 25 year career with IBM. Rick held many positions over that time including 2 international assignments (England & Australia), Asia Pacific Solutions Manager, international and domestic consulting, project management, and most recently program manager rolling out SalesForce to IBM Support worldwide. At IBM, Rick also cofounded and cochaired a Neurodiversity Support Group in Austin for neurodiverse employees and employees that are parents of neurodiverse children.

Rick and his wife Janice and their family are quite active in several local charities. They include the Miracle League of Austin at Town & Country where Rick is a coach and his youngest son, Isaac is a player following in the footsteps of his older brother Connor who was one of the original players. They are also participants and supporters of R.O.C.K. (Ride on Center for Kids) where both Connor and Isaac ride. They are very involved with Brookwood in Georgetown (BiG) where Janice is a member of the finance team. Additionally, they are supporters of Raising Wheels charity where Janice is a member of the board of directors.

The Masons are long time active members of St Vincent de Paul Parish in North Austin. Rick & Janice are lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Isaac is an altar server as his 2 older brothers Connor and Brice were before him. Brice, Connor and Mom continue to be active with the Youth Group and Brice also sings in the choir. Most recently Rick has become the lead for the Joseph of Arimathea Funeral Ministry at SVdeP which has been tremendously rewarding for him.

In his spare time besides family activities, Rick enjoys running, especially 5K’s with his 2 granddaughters, golf, reading, and handy man tasks as assigned by Janice.