

Back to School: The Struggle for Inclusive Education - Word on Fire

EWTN Interview Segment 2 & 3 - Families, Advocates Discuss Ways the church Can Welcome Persons with Disabilities Catholic Connection - July 19, 2023 - Hr 2 - Ave Maria Radio

As the bishops plan a new pastoral statement for persons with disabilities, advocates look for acknowledgment of new realities and diagnoses and encouragement of greater inclusion.  You can read more on the background of this topic here.


National Catholic Partnership Disability website of resources: 

Universal Design Learning (UDL) and IRIS Center Vanderbilt University:  IRIS (  (Evidence based practices for teachers and parents.)

Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion Montessori 4 Inclusion | Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion

Children with Disabilities - CGSUSA

CGS and All Abilities Podcast: Episode 46 - Rebroadcast: CGS and All Abilities with Trinka Hamel - CGSUSA

Wondering why a person thinks or acts differently?


Vela Families ( (Austin non-profit that offers support and services for families navigating school/life with a disability.)

Local resources and referrals from friends can be found here: 

Diocesan Catechetical Special Needs Resources:  Special Needs: Catechetical Resources - Diocese of Austin - Austin, TX (


Thank you to all who applied for grants from Shepherd Them All in 2024.  We were able to award supportive amounts, programs, and instruction to each and all of the ten schools which applied for grants in 2024.  

Grant applications for 2025 will open in the last quarter of 2024.  

A goal of Shepherd Them All is to offer more resources directly serving students and teachers in classrooms.